Forms a shape

Fights against cellulite

Promotes weight loss

Endospheres Therapy, a globally recognized body sculpting treatment, utilizes Compressive Microvibration with a roller device to generate low-frequency mechanical vibrations, promoting ‘vascular gymnastics’. This aids in fluid drainage, reduces cellulite, improves blood circulation, relieves pain, and enhances muscle tone. Clinical studies on 656 patients showed a 39% improvement in cellulite. It targets cellulite caused by fat cell hypertrophy and water retention due to poor circulation, offering a solution for 9 out of 10 individuals.
You’ll start to notice health and wellness results from your first treatment. Aesthetic results build over the course of your treatment package. During your first appointment, your therapist will carry out a detailed consultation to determine the appropriate number of sessions you’ll need for best results according to your physical condition and related lifestyle factors.
Endosphères Therapy can treat anywhere on the body or face, but the treatment length depends on the size of the area that needs treating. A single session will vary from a minimum of approximately 45 minutes to a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The duration of the results obtained always depends on certain circumstances such as your physical condition and your future lifestyle factors. By maintaining an active lifestyle, results can last six months or indefinitely. Maintenance packs are available to further improve results or to help maintain existing results.
Your body sculpting treatment will help you determine the number of treatments needed and the frequency of treatments, e.g., whether it be two or three times per week. However, the minimum time required between treatments is 48 hours.


Croma Saypha Rich

PhilArt Polynucleotides